RakanMET App

The RakanMET application was launched on March 23, 2022 and is a platform for sharing weather information such as heavy rain, thunderstorms, strong winds, haze, earthquakes or disasters. This application was developed for sharing information between users with MET Malaysia which is community oriented service (Community Oriented Service) and smart partnership (Smart Partnership). Each report shared is based on the current location settings of the user's phone through the Global Positioning System (GPS). In addition, this application also provides current weather forecast information and this information is available in 30 minute intervals for a period of up to 3 hours. This application can be downloaded through Google Play and Apps Store for free.

Application Download Link

iOS: https://apps.apple.com/my/app/rakanmet/id1591924339
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=my.gov.met.rakanmet