Techical Papers

# Editor Name & Research Paper Title Download
1 Wan Fariza Mustafah, Diong Jeong Yik, Fadila Jasmin Fakaruddin, Nur Zu Ira Bohari and Nursalleh K Chang. Review of the Northeast Monsoon 2021/2022 in Malaysia, Research Publication No. 1/2024.
2 Wan Fariza Mustafah, Diong Jeong Yik and Nursalleh K Chang. Relationship Between Rainfall Event and Lifted Index in Sepang, Research Publication No. 2/2024.
3 Nur Zu Ira Bohari, Diong Jeong Yik, Fadila Jasmin Fakaruddin and Nursalleh K Chang. Changes of Diurnal Rainfall Distribution Over West Coast Peninsular Malaysia during Tropical Cyclone (TC) and non-Tropical Cyclone (TC) days, Research Publication No. 3/2024.
4 Yip Weng Sang, Fadila Jasmin binti Fakaruddin, Diong Jeong Yik and Nursalleh K. Chang @ bin Kasim. Improved Satellite Rainfall Estimation in Malaysia by Successive Correction, Technical Note No. 1/2024.

# Editor Name & Research Paper Title Download
1 Fadila Jasmin Fakaruddin, Yip Weng Sang, Nur Zu Ira Bohari, Diong Jeong Yik and Nursalleh K Chang. Review of the North-east Monsoon 2020/2021 in Malaysia, Research Publication No. 1/2023.
2 Muhammad Mikhael Cadorna, Diong Jeong Yik dan Nursalleh K.Chang. Simulasi Model Trajektori Tumpahan Minyak JMA-MMD Terhadap Insiden Sebenar Tumpahan Minyak di Perairan Malaysia, Technical Note No. 1/2023.
4 Yip Weng Sang, Diong Jeong Yik, Nursalleh K. Chang @ bin Kassim, Muhammad Firdaus Ammar bin Abdullah, Fadila Jasmin binti Fakaruddin, Woo Wang Chun and Wong Wai Kin Fine Tuning an NWP Blended Radar Nowcasting System During Two Severe Rainstorm Events, Technical Note No. 02/2023.

# Editor Name & Research Paper Title Download
1 Zureen Norhaizatul Che Hassan, Liew Juneng, Muhammad Firdaus Ammar Abdullah, Joy Jacqueline Pereira. Mapping Spatial Urban Rainfall Extremes Under Various Return Periods in Kuala Lumpur for Sustainable Urbanization, Malaysian Construction Research Journal, Vol.36, No. 1, 2022, pp 11 - 26..ISSN No. 1985 - 3807, eISSN No. 2590 – 4140
2 Nursalleh K. Chang, Diong Jeong Yik, Muhammad Mikhael Cadorna, Lt. Mohammad Nizam bin Azhan TLDM, 2022: Operational Guide JMA-MMD Storm Surge Model, Malaysian Meteorological Department, ISBN: 978-967-2327-09-7
3 Sheeba Nettukandy Chenoli, Diong Jeong Yik, Mohd Fadzil Firdzaus Mohd Nor, Yip Weng Sang, Prince Xavier, Nursalleh K. Chang, Azizan Abu Samah, 2022: Objective Determination of the Winter monsoon onset Dates and its interannual variability in Malaysia. International Journal of Climatology, DOI:
4 Muhamad Sofian Muhamad Yusof, 2022 : Peningkatan Model Ramalan Cuaca Numerikal dari 3-Hari Kehadapan dengan Resolusi 4km kepada 4-Hari Kehadapan dengan Resolusi 3km bagi Seluruh Malaysia, Malaysian Meteorological Department,ISBN/ISSN:ISBN :978-967-2327-08-0
5 Sarah C Jenkins, Agie W Putra, Sefri Ayuliana, Riedfda Novikarany, Norhadizah M Khalid, Che Siti Noor Bt Che Mamat, Lorenzo A Moron, Maria Cecilia A Monteverde, Esperanza O Cayanan, Rebecca Beckett, Adam JL Harris, 2022: Impact-based forecasting in South East Asia - What underlies impact perception? ,International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction,
6 Nur Aleesha Abdullah, Mohd Talif Latif, Liew Juneng, Royston Uning, Hanashriah Hassan, Azliyana Azhari, Alfred Wiedensohler, 2022 : Aerosol particle properties at a remote tropical rainforest in Borneo, Atmospheric Pollution Research,
7 Ahmad Faidruz Jamaluddin, Muhammad Ikmalnor Mustafa Kamal, Muhammad Helmi Abdullah and Amirul Nizam Marodzi, 2022 : Comparison between Satellite Derived Rainfall and Rain Gauge Observation over Peninsular Malaysia, Sains Malaysian,
8 Nur Hanim Mohd Salleh , Husna Hasan, Fariza Yunus, 2020- Markov Chain: First Step towards Heat Wave Analysis in Malaysia.
9 Hanashariah Hassan, Mohd Talib Latif, Liew Juneng, Norhaniza Azmil, Md Firoz Khan, Diong Jeong Yik and Nur Aleesha Abdullah, 2020: Interaction of PM10 concentrations with local and synoptic meteorological conditions at different temporal scales Atmospheric Research. DOI:
10 Muhammad Firdaus Ammar Bin Abdullah and Muhammad Sofian Bin Muhammad Yusof,Weather Phenomenon Impacting the WRF Model Performance over Malaysia: Sensitivity of Precipitation Forecasts to Parameterizations Schemes used in MET Malaysia’s Operational WRF Model.
11 Mohd Ridzuan Adam,Assessment of Tsunami Hazard in Labuan Island Due to Tsunamigenic Earthquakes from Manila Trench.
12 Yip Weng Sang and Nursalleh K Chang,Estimation of Maximum Wave Height at Insitu Wave Observation Sites in Malaysia.
13 Muhamad Sofian Bin Muhamad Yusof and Muhammad Firdaus Ammar Bin Abdullah,Improving WRF-MMD’s Precipitation Forecasts Consistency using Time-Lagged Ensemble Method.
14 Ida Sharmiza binti Abdul Halim, Rambat Shuib and Noh Muhammad Ramzanee M.,Site-Suitability Analysis on Seismic Stations using Geographic Information Systems.
15 Ahmad Fairudz Jamaluddin, Fredolin Tanggang and Liew Juneng,Ayunan Madden-Julian: Pengaruhnya di Malaysia dan Asia Tenggara.
16 Diong Jeong Yik, Liew Ju Neng dan Fredolin Tangang, Monsun Barat Daya Di Malaysia: Ciri-ciri dan Penentuan Permulaan Monsun.
17 Fredolin Javino,Geothermal Potential in Malaysia.
18 Wardah Tahir, Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin, Jazuri Abdullah, Zaidah Ibrahim, Suzana Ramli, Sayang Mohd Deni, Hafiz Hassan, Lariyah Mohd Sidek, Yip Weng Sang, Diong Jeong Yik, Nursalleh K. Chang,Mean Field Bias Correction to Radar QPE as Input to Flood Modeling for Malaysian River Basins

# Editor Name & Research Paper Title Download
1 Nursalleh K. Chang , Diong Jeong Yik, Muhammad Mikhael Cadorna and Lt. Mohd Fakhrurazzi bin Mohd Shukeri TLDM, 2021: Operational Guide JMA-MMD Oil Spill & Search and Rescue (SAR) Trajectory Model, Version 1, Malaysian Meteorological Department,ISBN/ISSN:ISBN:978-967-2327-05-9
2 Xu, Z., Liang, S., Abd Rahman, M.N.B , H. Li, J. Shi, 2021: Historical earthquakes, tsunamis and real-time earthquake monitoring for tsunami advisory in the South China Sea region. Nat Hazards 107, pg 771-793 (2021) .
3 Da Silva, N. A., Webber, B. G. M., Matthews, A. J., Feist, M. M., Stein, T. H. M., Holloway, C.E., & Abdullah, M. F. A. B. , 2021: Validation of GPM IMERG extreme precipitation in the Maritime Continent by station and radar data. Earth and Space Science 8,
4 Nur Zu Ira Bohari, Wan Fariza Mustafah, Diong Jeong Yik, Nursalleh K. Chang, Yip Weng Sang and Azlai Ta'at, 2021 : Post-Mortem of Northeast Monsoon 2019/2020, Malaysian Meteorological Department, ISBN/ISSN:ISBN :978-967-2327-05-9
5 Zhiguo Xu1, Shanshan Liang, Mohd Nashriq Bin Abd Rahman, Hongwei Li and Jianyu Shi Historical earthquakes, tsunamis and realtime earthquake monitoring for tsunami advisory in the South China Sea regiont

# Editor Name & Research Paper Title Download
1 Noor Azam bin Shaari, 2020: Coupling INSAT Multispectral Rainfall Algorithm (IMSRA) Using Thermal Infrared Channel from Himawari Satellite for Severe Rainfall Estimation in Malaysia, Malaysian Meteorological Department, ISBN/ISSN: ISBN :978-967-2327-04-2
2 Fauziana Ahmad, Mahluddin Sahrin, A. Kamiluddin Ibrahim, Asmadi Abdul Wahab, Ismail Alias, Maqrun Fadzli Mohd Fahmi, Mohd Hafizi Mat Yasin, 2020: Quality Control of Radar and QPE Calibration with Rain Gauge in Malaysia using JMA Techniques, Malaysian Meteorological Department, ISBN/ISSN: ISBN :978-967-2327-03-5
3 Fauziana Ahmad, Mahluddin Sahrin, A. Kamiluddin Ibrahim, Asmadi Abdul Wahab, 2020: Landspout and Hail Detection Utilizing Radar Products, Malaysian Meteorological Department, ISBN/ISSN: ISBN :978-967-2327-02-8
4 Diong Jeong Yik, Yip Weng Sang, Nursalleh K Chang, Azlai Ta'at, 2020: Review of the MayOctober 2017 Southwest Monsoon in Malaysia, Malaysian Meteorological Department, ISBN/ISSN: ISBN :978-967-2327-01-1
5 Noor Azam bin Shaari, Noor Azra bin Ahim, Phuah Eng Beng, Siti Aizza binti Sarmani, Aliscia anak Mandai, Noor Fateen A'dila binti Abdul Shukur and Mohd Khairul Ikhwan bin Mohd Zawawi, 2020: Study on Upper Air Sounding Data Sensitivity towards Thunderstorm Activities over Kuching and Miri from 2010 to 2015, Geografi Vol.8(1),1-24
6 Robert J. H. Dunn,Lisa V. Alexander,..,Wan Maisarah Wan Ibadullah and co-authors, 2020: Development of an updated global land in situ-based dataset of temperature and precipitation extremes: HadEX3,Journal of Geophysical Research. DOI:
7 Fredolin Tangang, Jing Xiang Chung, Liew Juneng, Supari, Ester Salimun, Sheau Tieh Ngai, Ahmad Fairudz Jamaluddin, Mohd Syazwan Faisal Mohd, Faye Cruz, Gemma Narisma, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Thanh Ngo-Duc, Phan Van Tan, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian, Ardhasena Sopaheluwakan, Nikulin Grigory, Armelle Reca C. Remedio, Dmitry V. Sein, David Hein-Griggs, John L. McGregor, Hongwei Yang, Hidetaka Sasaki, Pankaj Kumar, 2020- Projected future changes in rainfall in Southeast Asia based on CORDEX–SEA multi-model simulations.
8 Nur Hanim Mohd Salleh , Husna Hasan, Fariza Yunus, 2020- Markov Chain: First Step towards Heat Wave Analysis in Malaysia.
9 Hanashariah Hassan, Mohd Talib Latif, Liew Juneng, Norhaniza Azmil, Md Firoz Khan, Diong Jeong Yik and Nur Aleesha Abdullah, 2020: Interaction of PM10 concentrations with local and synoptic meteorological conditions at different temporal scales Atmospheric Research. DOI:

# Editor Name & Research Paper Title Download
1 Ahmad Fairudz Jamaluddin, Fredolin Tangang, Wan Maisaran Wan Ibadullah, Liew Juneng, Diong Jeong Yik, Ester Salimun, Ambun Dindang & Muhammad Helmi Abdullah, 2019- Klimatologi Hujan Diurnal dan Bayu Laut-Darat di Semenanjung Malaysia
2 Wan Maisaran Wan Ibadullah, Fredolin Tangang, Liew Juneng & Ahmad Fairudz Jamaluddin, 2019- Practical Predictability of the 17 December 2014 Heavy Rainfall Event over East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia using WRF Model.
3 Xiaotu Lei, Clarence Fong, Vicente B Malano, Che Gayah Ismail, 2019- Overview on The Progress of Working Group on Meteorology og ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee in The Recent 10 Years.
4 Fadila Jasmin Fakaruddin, Weng Sang Yip, Jeong Yik Deong, Ambun Dindang, Nursalleh K. Chang, Muhammad Helmi Abdullah, 2019- Occurrence of meridional and easterly surges and their impact on Malaysian rainfall during the northeast monsoon: a climatology study.

# Editor Name & Research Paper Title Download
1 Norlaila Ismail and Changhyun Yoo, 2018- Statiscal Approach Towards Subseasonal Prediction over Maritime Continent Malaysian Meteorological Department, ISBN/ISSN: ISBN: 978-967-5676-97-0
2 Fauziana Ahmad, Mahluddin Sahrin, A.Kamiluddin Ibrahim and Asmadi Abdul Wahab, 2018- Comparasion of CAPPI Height 2km and 1km during Northeast Monsoon. Malaysian Meteorological Department., ISBN/ISSN: ISBN: 978-967-5676-96-3
3 W.K. Cheong, B. Timbal, N. Golding, S. Sirabaha, K.F. Kwan, T.A. Cinco, B. Archevarahuprok, V. H. Vo, D. Gunawan and S. Han, 2018- Observed and modelled temperature and precipitation extremes over Southeast Asia from 1972 to 2010.
4 Diong Jeong Yik, Yip Weng Sang, Nursalleh K. Chang, Fadila Jasmin Fakaruddin, Ambun Dindang dan Muhammad Helmi Abdullah, 2018- Analysis of The Cyclonic Vortex and Evaluation of The Performance of The Radar Integrated Nowcasting System (RAINS) During The Heavy Rainfall Epidose Which Caused Flooding in Penang, Malaysia on 5 November 2017.  
5 Anne M. Thompson, Herman G. J. Smit, Jacquelyn C. Witte, Ryan M. Stauffer, Bryan J. Johnson, Gary Morris, Peter Von Der Gathen, Roeland Van Malderen, Jonathan Davies, ANkie Piters, Marc Allaart, Francoise Posny, Rigel Kivi, Patrick Cullis, Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh, Ernesto Corrales, Tshidi Machinni, Francisco R. Da Silva, George Paiman, Kennedy Thong'O, Zamuna Zainal, George B. Brothers, Katherine R. Wolff, Tatsumi Nakano, Rene Stubi, Gonzague Romanens, Gert J. R. Coetzee, Jorge A. Diaz, SUkarni Mitro, Maznorizan Mohamad and Shin-Ya Ogino, 2018- Ozonesonde Quality Assurance The JOSIE-SHADOZ (2017) Experience,2018.

# Editor Name & Research Paper Title Download
1 H. C. Ward, Y. S. Tan, A. M. Gabey, S. Kotthausa and C. S. B Grimmonda, 2017- Impact of temporal resolution of precipitation forcing data on modelled urban-atmosphere exchanges and surface conditions. Int. J. Climatol., DOI: 10.1002/joc.5200  
2 Ying Ying Toh, Andrew G. Turner, Stephanie J. Johnson and Christopher E. Holloway, 2017- Maritime Continent seasonal climate biases in AMIP experiments of the CMIP5 multimodel ensemble. Clim Dyn., DOI 10.1007/s00382-017-3641-x  
3 Sharifah Faridah S. M., 2017- Pengelompokan Corak Taburan Hujan Dengan Kaedah Pengelompokan Siri Masa. Malaysian Meteorological Department., ISBN/ISSN: ISBN: 978-967-5676-95-6
4 Sandra Richard and Kevin J. E. Walsh, 2017- The influence of El Niño–Southern Oscillation on boreal winter rainfall over Peninsular Malaysia. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI 10.1007/s00704-017-2262-y  
5 Ahmad Fairudz Jamaluddin, Fredolin Tangang, Jing Xiang Chung, Liew Juneng, Hidetaka Sasaki, and Izuru Takayabu, 2017- Investigating the mechanisms of diurnal rainfall variability over Peninsular Malaysia using the non-hydrostatic regional climate model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, DOI: 10.1007/s00703-017-0541-x  
6 Wan Fariza Mustafah, Yong-Sang Choi, Sungsoo Yum and Hye Ryun, 2017- Influence of Winter Monsoon on Cloud Thermodynamic Phase over Central and South-East Asia. Malaysian Meteorological Department., ISBN/ISSN: ISBN: 978-967-5676-93-2
7 Fredolin Tangang, Raheleh Farzanmanesh, Ali Mirzaei, Supari, Ester Salimun, Ahmad Fairudz Jamaluddin and Liew Juneng, 2017- Characteristics of precipitation extremes in Malaysia associated with El Niño and La Niña events. Int J. Climatol., DOI: 10.1002/joc.5032  
8 Dayang Norazila Awang Bima, 2017- The Impact of Explicit Convection on The Asian Monsoon and The Indian Ocean Wet Bias. Malaysian Meteorological Department., ISBN/ISSN: ISBN: 978-967-5676-93-2
9 Ooi See Hai, Azizan Abu Samah, Sheeba Nettukandy Chenoli, Kumarenthiran Subramaniam and Muhammad Yunus Ahmad Mazuki, 2017- Extreme rainstorms that caused devastating flood over the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia during November and December 2014. The Weather and Forecasting Journal.,  
10 Fauziana Ahmad, Tomoki Ushiyama and Takahiro Sayama, 2017- Determination of Z-R Relationship and Inundation Analysis for Kuantan River Basin. Malaysian Meteorological Department., ISBN/ISSN: ISBN: 978-967-5676-92-5
11 Fadila Jasmin Fakaruddin, Yip Weng Sang, Mat Kamaruzaman Mat Adam, Nursalleh K Chang and Muhammad Helmi Abdullah, 2017- Analysis of the Northeast Monsoon 2016/2017. Malaysian Meteorological Department., ISBN/ISSN: ISBN: 978-967-5676-91-8
12 Jing Xiang Chung, Liew Juneng, Fredolin Tanganga and Ahmad F. Jamaluddin, 2017- Performances of BATS and CLM land-surface schemes in RegCM4 in simulating precipitation over CORDEX Southeast Asia domain.